denver acne

How To Get Rid of Acne Scars

You’ve spent time getting your skin under control and have finally stopped breaking out but now you are left with either purple scarring or uneven skin tone.

What can fix this?

Chemical Peels

I recommend starting with a series of 6 and pairing with dermaplaning with quick results
This is great choice for those who are still breaking out here and there


Is a collagen treatment that works fast and especially great for texture issues but cannot be used if you have any active acne


Similar to microneedling, but I say it’s microneedling on steroids. Human growth factors are infused into the skin and increase collagen - the results are AMAZING


At home I highly recommend using a RETINOID to increase cell turnover and heal breakouts, pigmentation and improve skin health - must be used with an SPF

It can take time but is 100% fixable just takes investing some time in yourself and you can have clear, makeup-free skin for life.

Start your Skin Journey today - book online or email us!

Celluma LED Light Therapy

If you are following on social you have heard me talk about the new LED light therapy device I have brought into the spa!

You guys, this treatment is amazing! I want to talk a little bit more and go in depth about how it works, who its best for and why you would want to add this to your treatment.

First, a little about the Celluma LED light and what makes it different from any other light on the market.

·         Celluma is cleared by the FDA – there have been proven tests to see that true results occur when using the device

·         Uses patented pulse- wave technology – uses several lights (blue, red, and infrared) at the same time to treat more than one condition giving you a more bang for your buck and a better overall result

·         Has embedded NASA research technology

·         100% safe to use

How It Works:

Let’s go back to jr. high science class for a minute because it’s all about light waves and technology. In the same way that plant use chlorphyll to convert sunlight into energy, LEDs using proven wavelengths of light can trigger a natural biostimulatory effect in human tissue.

It has proven to:

·         Increase circulation

·         Accelerate tissue repair

·         Kill acne bacteria

·         Decrease inflammation

·         Improve skin tone, texture and clarity

·         Decrease under eye wrinkles

·         Ease muscle and joint pain

Who It’s Best For:

Those looking to improve the overall health of their skin. Anyone can use this device to enhance their skin and see amazing results.

Celluma has been proven to treat those with deep cystic acne, maskne by killing acne bacteria under the skin before it surfaces and will heal current breakouts. Because it works within the deeper layers of the skin, texture, tone and redness are improved as well.

Celluma also has been shown to improve elasticity and collagen in the skin. Those of you are wanting avoid your grandmother’s jowls, turkey neck or have deep lines that you are so over looking at, celluma can and will give you results without a needle or the need for toxic additives such as botox.

So Why Add It To Your Treatment:

I am a firm believer that anyone can benefit from Celluma and adding it to your treatment will give you the skin you have always wanted while reducing the chances of premature aging for years to come.

It’s recommended to use by itself every 2 weeks for 8 treatments or can be added onto your monthly facial on a regular basis.

Try it with your next facial!