

We all hate getting breakouts from the usual stress, hormones, working out, eating bad but now we have to worry about getting it from masks. So frustrating right?! Just when you think you have your acne under control this happens.

Well beauties, you are not alone in this and majority of clients I have seen this past year are stuggling with the same thing! Here are some tips and tricks on how to heal this type of breakout and get it under control.

First of all, what is Maskne? This is acne caused by wearing a mask. These masks actually cause the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and oil which is what is causing your excessive breakouts along the jawline and where the mask touches your face.

Ways to treat:

Start off by visiting your local esthetician, if you are Denver I would love to see you myself! Starting a good acne treatment in the care of a licensed professional will do wonders for your breakouts. We can clear out your pores, extract breakouts and congestion in the skin while drying out your current breakouts.

I recommend after starting with 1 acne facial, moving onto a light peel to really kill any bacteria and heal what you currently do have.

What Can You Be Doing At Home:

Medical Grade Skincare is key! So throw out your target cleanser and your clean and clear acne gel and LISTEN to your esthetician. Using salicylic, benzoyl and glycolic will heal your breakouts but the key to use good products that wont overdry your skin and cause a bigger issue.

My personal favorites are the Image Skincare’s Ageless Cleanser (glycolic) with a vitamin c moisturizer from their Vital C line and then finishing with a breakout spot treatment (benzoyl & salicylic) - Image Skincare’s Acne Medication is a lifesaver and will dry out and heal any breakout.

Taking your makeup off every night is a must and honestly one thing that has come from this pandemic is not having to wear makeup when we go out. So avoiding makeup under the mask will help as well.

Washing your pillowcase weekly and cleaning your cell phone & makeup brushes often will help as well.

If all else fails it’s time to look at your diet and see if you have a gluten sensitivity or dairy. These are common culprits of breakouts. Taking a probiotic daily can help as well.

So say goodbye to Maskne with these tips and hello to gorgeous skin…. I mean everyone is going to love it when you can finally take your mask off and reveal glowing skin am I right?